Ballet Tips- jeté (or dégagé)

Hello readers!

This post will give some insight and tips about... drum roll please... jetés! Also known as dégagé, jeté means "to throw". Just like with tendus, your foot should brush the floor before finishing the movement. Think as the floor as being your constant partner. As you brush your foot, finish by lifting it slightly above the floor with the foot pointed. Now, be careful. This is not a grand battement, it is a jeté and the leg should not be lifted to high off the floor. The movement as a whole should be strong and sharp. Maintain your turnout and make sure that both legs are active, the working one of course but also the supporting leg. This will help make the movement easier and better.

Often, as dancers think about what their legs and feet are supposed to be doing, they may forget about their upper body. So let's discuss a little about that. Make sure to keep the upper body nice and controlled. Your stomach should be tucked in and your butt should not be sticking out. Remember that bowl of soup? Don't let it spill! Bring that butt underneath you and pull up straight. Keep your neck nice and long. The arm you have to the side should be strong. Do not let your elbow droop but rather, have it lifted. When you use your whole body, not just a part of it, it makes the body become more stabilized and thus, movement of any kind is easier to execute and of course, prettier.


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