About this blog-

Hi all!
In this blog I will introduce who I am, and talk about things I have done so far in my life. Things I am passionate about, things I am proud of, things I can be better in and even things that can help you, my readers. You can check out Ballet tips, a page I am dedicating on solely writing helpful information for people who want to improve their ballet skills. I also want to share about the people I care deeply about who have been part of my life and who have helped me through both, good things and bad. Furthermore, I want to talk about my plans for the future. But most importantly of all, I want to inspire all of you who will read my blogs. My goal is to inspire and to be a great role model to everyone who may look up to me. I simply would like to make people happy :) I will post every Friday. Thank you for reading my blogs and taking part of my everyday life! Merci!


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