A little bit about me- part 1

Hello everyone!

I am excited to share my first blog post with you all. This has been a project I wanted to start a while ago. In this post I will talk about the first crucial moments of my life, what I like to do and what I plan to write in the future.

Firstly, I will transport you to the past, about 20 years ago, where my life began. It's 1998. On a small Caribbean island in a town called Port-Au-Prince was a little 3 year old girl who did not know her life was going to change forever. The island was Haiti and Port-Au Prince is its capital. The 3 year old girl was there, innocent, going along with whatever was happening on this island of poverty and misery which she did not know it was. And she did not know she was going to leave it and her mother very soon which is in fact, a terrifying thought as I am writing it now. You can close your eyes and try to picture this scene if you'd like.

I cannot recall what happened in the years between my birth and the age of 3. My memory and my mother's stories do not go back that long ago. But I do remember the first and most important memory of my life which has been recounted to me many times. This memory is how my life started, at 3 years old, when I was adopted. A most special day that I celebrate every 22nd day of April.

Yes, April 22, 1998 was the day a couple in search of having children of their own, came to Port-Au Prince, Haiti. They saw me for the first time and something magical happened. In that moment, an instant bond was created. I would come to love these two strangers and call them Maman et Papa (mom and dad). Now, I could not at first be persuaded to leave with the couple- they were strangers after all- but my new mother was told to give me a cookie and wait and see what I would do after that. Well, this was a clever idea because it worked! I took the treat and soon after I took her hand and just like that, off we went.

I wasn't the only child she took to bring back home that day. She had also adopted my youngest brother who was extremely ill at the time. His name is Noah and I am blessed to have a sibling with whom I share the same blood who continues to be a part of my life. I have been told that I also had an older brother named Michael who stayed in Haiti and I can't help but wonder sometimes what he looks like and who he is today. Perhaps one day I will know... Perhaps one day I will meet my biological family again. This is my wish but only in the future. For now I am enjoying my life as it is now and I am always grateful for the gracious act that both my moms gave me- one of them gave me up to someone who she trusted would take good care of me and the other raised me as her own daughter and helped me to become the woman I am today. And my doting dad also of course. I have said it countless times but I will say it again now: merci Maman et Papa. I love you.

To be continued- part 2 will be posted this Friday


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